

The little ones of the Pre-Primary wing under our care enjoy a stress free classroom environment and the one that is activity based. “Learning through doing” is very important in these initial years when two thirds of the child's intellect is formed. Eye catching charts and attractive teaching aids ensure that they get into the tempo of assimilating without strain. To ensure the little ones get all the required individual attention, each classroom has a class teacher and a co teacher to assist him/her.

The academic curriculum at The Primary level (I–V) becomes more broad based and gradually the young learner is exposed to wide array of subjects and study material, which is suitably graded. As early as class I students learn to work on computers in the lab which has been specially equipped to meet the needs of these young learners. The teaching of all subjects is interactive and activity based and students are active participants in the entire learning experience.

The syllabus for Classes I to 10th strictly follow the C.B.S.E pattern, including CCE. We have interpolated the regular syllabus with a lot of reiteration of material learnt and taught through comprehensive workbooks and assignment booklets. The curriculum design and teaching pedagogy follows the principle of multiple intelligence and caters the specific needs of the learners.